"Be who you are and say what you feel
Because those who mind, don't matter,
And those who matter, don't mind."

--Dr. Seuss

Why Do I Write?

Well, why do you write?

Do you write for fun? For happiness? For harm? For healing?
Do you write in order to escape? To cope? To hide?

Why do you write?

I write because I have a voice that I want to share.
A voice that can't reveal itself through speech.
It's unexplanable, unfathomable, and unexcused.
But it's there. And it wants to be heard.

It's called expression.

And that's exactly what I do through my poetry.
I express myself.

And no, I'm not here to please you, or to be what you want, or what you're expecting.
I'm here for me.
And there's no one in the world who I'd rather be other than who I truly am.

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