"Be who you are and say what you feel
Because those who mind, don't matter,
And those who matter, don't mind."

--Dr. Seuss

Monday, May 21, 2012

"Freedom is Seldom"

Am I free?

Is this what freedom feels like?

Am I free?

When I look at you
I no longer feel the hurt.
When I think of you
I no longer feel the longing.

Am I free?

Am I just relaxing before another relapse?
Am I just masking everything?
Is this just the calming before the storm?

Am I really free?

I no longer want to cry in the morning
However, the feeling comes at night.
It's only when I'm all alone
Just like everyone else.
I think.
I ponder.
I wonder.

Is this freedom?

Perhaps I'm locked inside of myself
Perhaps there's no such thing as a key
Maybe there's no such thing as a better you
But, still, I think.
I ponder.
I wonder.

Am I truly, undoubtedly free?


But I will be soon.

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