"Be who you are and say what you feel
Because those who mind, don't matter,
And those who matter, don't mind."

--Dr. Seuss

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Revised Vesion of "Inner Conflict"

"Ahh, This Always Happens"

I should've known that this would happen
I should've known that I'd get shot.
It's always inevitable
Whether I believe it or not.

Why didn't I see it coming?
How could I not suspect it from the start?
I guess I let that thing in my chest take over
Oh, I should've never believed in my heart.

What made me believe that you were different?
What made me think to let you in?
Because right now, I'm conflicted
I don't even know where to begin.

Every thought in my head is jumbled
And now, I really don't know what to do
As of right now, I'm still wondering
Whatever made me believe in you.

Because you drove a car right through my heart
You drove a knife straight through my chest
You took a hammer to my head
And now I have nothing to believe in.

You should've told me from the beginning
You shouldn't have lead me to believe
That I would be alright holding your hand
As I wore my heart upon my sleeve.

When the scene breaks down
I guess I'm the real fool
I'm just a love sick puppy
Who thought she could believe in you.

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